Founded in 1981, EDCO is a non-profit corporation supported by private and public members and stakeholders. Our mission is to create a diversified local economy and a strong base of middle-class jobs in Central Oregon. To do this, we focus on helping companies do the following:
Move. EDCO attracts outside employers interested in relocating or expanding to the region by developing relationships with key company decision makers, site selectors, media professionals, and other influencers. We guide companies through the relocation process as a resource for regional data, incentives, site selection, and other services tailored to their specific needs.
Start. At the center of the region’s growing entrepreneurial network, EDCO mentors and advises promising, scalable young companies with support from concept to exit on issues such as access to capital, critical expertise, and strategy.
Grow. Our local businesses are the job engine of the region’s economy. EDCO’s area directors are positioned across our Central Oregon communities to partner and advocate for existing companies as they grow and expand.
As a membership organization, we are funded by both the public and private sectors. EDCO members represent the depth and diversity of our Central Oregon communities, as business leaders, supporters and advocates from across the region.