A baby bobcat arrived at The High Desert Museum last fall. And now it needs a name!
The museum will raffle the naming of the now-juvenile bobcat, with tickets on sale in person at the museum and online. Proceeds will help support the museum’s wildlife, exhibitions and programs.
The drawing will take place at 7:30 pm during the museum’s largest fundraising gala of the year, the High Desert Rendezvous. Ticket purchasers need not be present at Rendezvous to win. The raffle does place parameters on appropriate names for the bobcat.
Name the Bobcat Raffle
Drawing on Saturday, Aug. 26
Tickets $50 each.
Click here to purchase tickets to name the bobcat: https://highdesertmuseum.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/HighDesertRendezvous2023/RaffleTickets/tabid/1357281/Default.aspx