Throughout Sunriver Brewing Company’s 11-year history, the business has been honored with dozens of brewing awards, big and small, regional, national, and international.
2023 has shown Sunriver Brewing to be on a similar trajectory of success with multiple medals at the Best of Craft competition (five medals, including a gold and awarded Small Brewery of the Year) and the Oregon Beer Awards (four medals, including two golds).
Heading into the World Beer Cup in April could have been a different story. The World Beer Cup is the most prestigious beer competition in the world, and winning an award there means that you truly know how to make excellent beer.
The competition, held in Nashville this year, featured 10,213 entries from 2,376 breweries across 103 styles. Breweries were limited to six entries per production location. When the dust settled on that Wednesday night, Sunriver Brewing Company had landed a staggering three awards – a gold for Something Dank This Way Comes (American-style Strong Pale Ale – 154 entries), a silver for Mocha Cow (Coffee Stout or Porter – 110 entries), and a silver for Applied Science (American-style IPA – 412 entries).
American IPA is by far the largest category in the competition and any award here means that a brewery has mastered the style. Among the breweries to earn multiple awards, Sunriver Brewing Company was the only one to earn all three from a single facility. These three awards represent an apex accomplishment for the company. Of course, beer doesn’t brew itself, Sunriver Brewing Company is fortunate to be staffed with an awesome team of brewery managers, production brewers, and packaging specialists organized around a culture of quality and an excellent work ethic from the team. Sunriver Brewing Company is one of the most highly awarded breweries on the West Coast, tucked away in a quiet corner of South Deschutes County. The world-class beer is proudly brewed by 15 men and women in the Sunriver Business Park.