Sunriver Stars Community Theater announced a unique twist to its 2024 season. The lineup will feature two shows, an acting workshop, opera fundraiser, Golden Girls parody, and the annual STARS Kids Drama Camp.
To start the season, Broadway star Patrick Osteen will teach a free acting workshop, “So You Want to Be an Actor?” on March 21 at SHARC as a collaboration between SSCT and the Sunriver You program. The following two days, he will present a one-man show, “An Iliad,” at Sunriver Brewery Taproom.
April will bring another rousing evening to the community with the Stars fundraiser, “An Evening with La Diva,” featuring international opera star Nancy Emrick, accompanied by pianist Dr. Stephen Marshall. The one-night performance to support the Stars’ building campaign will take place in a private home with Emrick presenting pieces ranging from Bach to Bocelli. Champagne and hors d’oeuvres will be served.
Later in spring, the Stars invite guests to take part in its live studio audience for “A Night with the Girls, A Golden Girls Parody.” Inspired by the television show, guests can be prepared to laugh the night away as the gals get out of one situation only to find themselves in the middle of another. The show is scheduled for May 31, June 1 and June 2.
Kids Drama Camp (June 24-28) will include new elements this year including a teen program with hands-on instruction in sound and lighting as well as guidance to write, produce and act in an original play. The younger actors will sing, dance and act in a presentation of “Summer Magic,” inspired by Arnold Lobel’s lovable characters, Frog and Toad.
Sunriver Stars Community Theater rounds out the season with its traditional fall musical, starring children and adults working together to produce the classic “Huckleberry Finn” on Nov. 7 to Nov. 10.
The Stars would like to thank supporters and encourage anyone interested in theater whether on stage or behind the scenes to get involved. As a nonprofit, the group is an all-volunteer organization, and relies on community support. To include the Stars in your year-end giving or for show dates and more information, please visit or follow SSCT on Facebook or Instagram.