High Desert Rendezvous returns to the virtual world at 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 28. The High Desert Museum’s signature fundraiser offers special surprises for everyone with bidding now open on exciting silent auction packages.
Virtual Guests
-Don’t miss frequent visitor to Central Oregon and supporter of the High Desert Museum Rainn Wilson! He played everyone’s favorite TV beet farmer, Dwight Schrute, on nine seasons of NBC’s The Office and has starred in many films. He has a popular new podcast, Metaphysical Milkshake. We’re honored Wilson is joining in the Rendezvous fun.
-Steve “The Crocodile Hunter” Irwin and his wife, Terri, inspired passion for wildlife all around the world. Now their children, Bindi and Robert, are teaching a new generation to become “Wildlife Warriors” on their Animal Planet show Crikey! It’s the Irwins. Longtime friends of the Museum, Terri, Robert, Bindi and Bindi’s husband, Chandler Powell, will make an appearance from Australia.
Preview Auction Packages Now
Bidding on silent auction items is open now and includes the opportunity to have your own private performance by classical pianist Meagan Iverson. Also up for grabs are a wine package from Bledsoe Family Winery, court side tickets to a Portland Trail Blazers game, a Moonstruck Chocolate Basket, handyman services from Neil Kelly and more! Click Here to bid!
Visit https://highdesertmuseum.org/ for additional information.