Embark on a groundbreaking journey with Sunriver K9 Genie’s virtual Puppy Nose Work Class, specially designed for puppies and older dogs with confidence concerns. This is not just any class; it’s a pilot program, and we’re thrilled to offer it at an unprecedented price of $75 for the inaugural group of students, a fraction of the regular $200 tuition.

Why this class? Because we understand that entering a new environment and diving into a novel sport can be overwhelming, especially for puppies and shy dogs.

We’re introducing this virtual format to accommodate the busy schedules of pet parents. However hectic your schedule may be, our flexible virtual class ensures you’ll have the entire week to engage with the material, offering unparalleled convenience.

What’s more, you never have to worry about falling behind! If life gets hectic, you can catch up at your own pace. If you cannot complete a weekly lesson, continue to work on the exercises you’ve received. You and your pup will benefit from all the extra practice.

And let’s not forget the challenges winter brings—short days, snow, and ice can hinder attendance in traditional classes. With our virtual setup, you won’t miss valuable learning opportunities, ensuring a consistent and enriching experience for you and your pup.

A former student inspired this innovative class concept, and we’ve embraced the idea wholeheartedly. Your feedback and participation will shape the future of this program, so seize this chance to be a part of something extraordinary!

Ready to embark on this journey with your pup?

Click here to register or email GoodDog@startmail.com to secure your spot in our first Puppy Nose Work Class. Let’s make learning an adventure for your furry friend.